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The Change Master

What do we do when things around us change? Especially things we don't want to change? What if 'things' slide away or become problematic that we once enjoyed? What if people dear to us move on, impacting our comfortable status quo? Do we view this as good or do we do everything we can not to let go? Are we willing to run to God and give everything up for God? Are we committed to never looking back, but always reaching forward towards Him? How much do we trust God when things change in our lives?

God never changes, and is always the same, yet he is the greatest 'change agent' of all time. He knows change better than any of us. (Malachi 3:6, Psalm 102:25-27)

Our heavenly Father God is forever changing us, and everything around us. He wants to challenge us to go higher, deeper into Him. So desirous to draw us closer. So wanting our choices to be for Him. God might just move people we love out of our life or adjust things in our life to position us for greater intimacy with Him. (Romans 11:29, Ephesians 2:10) We may never know the full picture, but He is always with us as we take each next step. (Romans 12:1-2, Joshua 1:5-9) His plan is perfect and He will never fail. (Psalm 33:11, Deuteronomy 31:6, Hebrews 13:5)

More Reflection? Hebrews 13:8, Numbers 23:19, Isaiah 40:8, Matthew 24:35, Isaiah 40:28, Psalm 90:2, Revelation 22:13, Isaiah 44:6, James 1:17, Psalm 119:89, Jeremiah 31:3, Hebrews 6:18, Psalm 102:27, Lamentations 3:22, 2 Corinthians 1:20, Isaiah 43, 1 Peter 1:25, Ephesians 6:13, Philippians 4:6-7,, 2 Peter 3:9, Romans 8:28, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, Romans 8:28,

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This is actually a very well-written, thought -provoking blog by whoever the author may be. Deep insights on how the Divine Perogative may draw us in a direction of change that our mind may never have thought or imagined, yet it may have been dormant in the depths of our spirit for some time. Suddenly doors open. The Spirit blows, stirs & alights the remnant embers. Unforeseen circumstances arise. Storms (& even referenced above) may come & go & pass away. Yet our desire should hopefully, eventually align with His desire for our life, relationships & ministry...for His Glory & for His Kingdom. That we would bear much (dare I say 'maximum') fruit in character, witnessing & taking th…


Nov 28, 2023

Very encouraging!

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