Matthew 17:24-27 contains a notable miracle worthy of so much more contemplation than the cursory look it so often receives. For example, have you ever given any serious consideration to the practical aspects of collaborating with a fish to produce money? It really is quite remarkable, and yet, Jesus did just that! Why did he choose this way? What can we learn from this story?
Jesus showed how much He cared about Peter's material need by providing it for him, in His chosen way! God is our Heavenly Father and will provide for us, in His chosen way!. He is Jehovah Jireh, and because of His faithfulness to His own promises in the Word of God, it's fixed. He must provide for our need, and as we stand on this promise, drawing closer to God, He will never fail! This is an absolute truth.
Then we see how Jesus educates and brings Peter alongside Him in a dialogue of compassion, as Peter reaches out to confide in Him. This is a lovely dynamic telling us about the relationship between the two men. Have you wondered how it must have been to have had conversations with Jesus Himself, in the flesh, about the most ordinary aspects of life, like paying taxes? Actually, today we should be doing that exact same thing every day of our lives! Nothing is too small a matter for God.
We also need to be responsible in how we live our life, in respecting the law of our land. Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is to get your natural house in order, instead of talking a great spiritual talk in an effort to justify ignoring our self inflicted disarray. What's more is that even though Jesus was exempt from paying the temple tax because He is the Son of God, He chose to pay the tax for himself and Peter. He went above and beyond. Will we make the same choice?
Jesus protected Peter from natural scrutiny and trouble that would have come from delinquent non-payment of taxes. It's crucial to our witness that our personal choices avoid initiating or deepening offense either in us or in others. Our actions count so very greatly in the eyes of God! In this case, in skimming the surface of as large a topic as offense is to the believer, Jesus urges all believers to avoid causing offense. In whatever form it lingers, offense will hinder our relationship with God, our love walk, and our ability to grow into greater maturity.
Jesus worked miracles, for the primary purpose of revealing His identity, and that of His Heavenly Father! In this case he chose to work with a fish in a most magnificent way. He knew exactly which was to become the famous 'carrier' fish; how to put the coin in the mouth of the fish; at the right time; and guided the fish into the hands of Peter. This is a staggering demonstration of His authority manifesting, and in so specific a way. This wasn't a first century Penn and Teller show.
Behind every Word of God are tremendous lessons full of hope and encouragement, instruction, the Holy Spirit Himself, and sources of great courage. Everything Jesus did was intentional, purposeful, and perfect. Draw ever closer to The Word Himself, and He will so fill your cup to overflowing that you can move in His miracle working power! What will be your remarkable coin miracle?
More reflection? Acts 2:22; John 5:36; John 10:37-38; John 20:30-31; 2 Corinthians 6:3; Romans 14:21; 1 Corinthians 9:19-22; Romans 15:1-3; 1 Corinthians 8:9; Titus 2:7-8; 1 Thessalonians 5:22;
The LORD Provides for our temporal needs in so many ways we can't even begin to fathom...
even to pay taxes.
Strong faith calls those things that be not as though they are!
An amazing article! Thank you!