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Rejoice evermore. Pray without Ceasing. In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5 v 16-18: KJV


Be blessed with Holy Spirit thoughts and words of encouragement, or join these conversations and become a blessing too. In a world filled with chaos and distractions, we invite you to pause and ponder the timeless wisdom of Jesus Christ. Through reflection, we explore the depths of our faith, confront the weight of sin, and seek the fullness of divine love as only our heavenly Father can give. Our journey takes us through the complexities of family, church, the world, and the essential role all of them play in our spiritual growth. Join us as we navigate this incredible path, inviting you to reflect and engage in conversations that illuminate the core values of our Christian faith.


Teaching and spiritual insights from our recommended sources.

Family Church Fredonia


The books found in the reviews below will inspire, encourage, or challenge you towards greater maturity. In this "Selection" we carefully curate insights and teachings from individuals who are lead by the Spirit and inspired by the Holy Scriptures. These words may help guide you and enhance your walk with the Lord through the labyrinth of life. We invite you to explore the profound wisdom inspired by Jesus Christ himself as we select passages that reflect unwavering faith and support through all changing seasons.  Our goal is to stimulate contemplation, trigger transformation, and ultimately lead you to a deeper connection with your Lord and yourself. Through this collection, we continue on a spiritual journey together, uncovering the pearls of wisdom within the Bible and reflecting on their significance in our daily lives.

God offers you His thoughts – take them! They will transform you! 
God’s Word is the thoughts of God written down so that you can make them your own. His words lived will reach into your everyday life, transforming it into something spiritual and extraordinary. There’s nothing ordinary about the man who makes God’s thoughts his own, for they will lift him out of the commonplace and into the supernatural - producing a life that bears much fruit and glorifies God; that man will become one who manifests God’s will everywhere he goes.

(Review Courtesy of Dufresne Ministries)

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